In zip file, it contain 3 file with smali extend. It can easily convert to java bytecode.
In MainActivity$1.smali, I can find main logic of username and password.

.line 70
const-string v1, "m&m"

invoke-virtual {p1, v1}, Ljava/lang/String;->equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z

move-result p1

we can find username on this code.

Analyze bytecode, password is like this:

array = ["84", "5", "2", "f8eb53473", "4", "2efb3d", "f", "82df"]
secret = String.join("a", array).replaceAll('8', '0');
if(, md5(inputpassword)) == true){

so secret hash is 04a5a2af0eb53473a4a2efb3dafa02df. I tried to decrypt it on [] and [], but they also can’t decrypt it during CTF on held. While I use hashcat, CTF is over.
After CTF, I use again, and then I get a result. but isn’t work yet.
Anyway, flag is :infernoCTF{m&m:mockingbird78209}