When I excute the file and attack debugger to it, I can find it was written by python.
So I use python-exe-unpacker. There are so many package, but main logic is in emco file.
emco has no signatue and extended, but I can simply read it by add signature on file header and add extend .pyc and decompile it. Find another .pyc file, and compare it to emco file, and signature is 03 F3 0D 0A 00 00 00 00.(It may different on other project)
original emco
Make 2nd file like 1st file.
Add this signature on emco and rename it emco.pyc, and use uncompyle6 to decompile the pyc file.
Main logic is like this:

def encrypt(file_path):
    im = Image.open(file_path).convert('RGB')
    width, height = im.size
    pixels = list(im.getdata())
    pixels = [ pixels[i * width:(i + 1) * width] for i in range(height) ]
    binary_pixels = []
    for item in pixels:
        for pixel in item:
            if pixel == (255, 255, 255):
    line = ''.join(binary_pixels)
    n = 8
    enc = [ int(line[i:i + n], 2) for i in range(0, len(line), n) ]
    data = ''
    enc_len = len(enc)
    s = int(sqrt(enc_len))
    for i in range(enc_len):
        data += chr(125) + chr(0) + chr(enc[i])
    im2 = Image.frombytes('RGB', (s, s), data.encode())
    im2.save('encrypted.png', 'PNG')

I do some test and get sure that logic is only use for app and other package is just trick.(like all crypto, ssl, ftp and other.)
So I write decrypt function in python.

def decrypt(file_path):
    im = Image.open(file_path).convert('RGB')
    pixels = list(im.getdata())
    for i in range(100):
    data =[]
    for pixel in pixels:
    line = ''
    for p in data:
        t = "{0:b}".format(p)
        if len(t) < 8:
            t = '0'*(8-len(t)) + t
        line += t
    original = []
    for ch in line:
        if ch == '0':
    res = b''
    for o in original:
        res += bytes([o[0]]) + bytes([o[1]]) + bytes([o[2]])
    print(len(res), 40000)
    im2 = Image.frombytes('RGB', (200, 200), res)
    pixels = list(im2.getdata())
    im2.save("target.png", "PNG")

And run the code, I get QR code. Flag is infernoCTF{w04h_3ncrypt3d_qr_d4yumnnn}